Tuesday, March 13, 2012

LesbeAsian Pryde!

Excerpt from the anthology, For Lesbians Only "What is lesbian? A lesbian is the rage of all women condensed to the point of explosion. She is the woman who, often beginning at an extremely early age, acts in accordance with her inner compulsion to be more complete and freer human being than her society - perhaps then, but certainly later - cares to allow her.  These needs and actions, over a period of years, bring her into painful conflict with people, situations, the accepted ways of thinking, feeling and behaving, until she is in a state of continual war with everything around her, and usually with herself. She may be fully conscious of the political implications of what for her began as personal necessity, but on some level she has not been able to accept the limitations and oppression laid on her by the most basic role of her society - the female role.  To the extent that she cannot expel the heavy socialization that goes with being female, she can never truly find peace within herself.  For she is caught somewhere between accepting society's view of her - in which she cannot accept herself - and coming to understand what this sexist society has done to her and why it is functional and necessary for it to do so. Those of us who work that through find ourselves on the other side of a tortuous journey through a night that may have been decades long. The perspective gained from the journey, the liberation of self, the inner peace, the real love of self and of all women is something to be shared with all women."  Check out our latest podcast on why LesbeAsian uses the term LESBIAN. <---Click to listen.

*We realize not all Lesbians/Lesbeasians share this political point of view. Not all lesbians are feminists, not all feminists are lesbians.  But we are, LesbeAsian feminists...pho lyfe!  :)

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